Friday, August 29, 2008

Preliminary Palin Post

Oh you can bet your bonnet I am going to have more to say about Mc Cain's VP pick in just a bit, but I have a busy weekend ahead of me. However, I have to make a note of this little gaffe before I forget to bring it up.

I just heard her acceptance speech. First of all, kudos to Mc Cain for such a gutsy pick. I have to acknowledge this will make the race even more interesting. I have so many opinions on this Palin pick. But as I was listening to Palin's speech, I couldn't help but nit-pick about one little thing: the woman cannot say nuclear!!! Is this evidence of her lack of education? Or is this some weird GOP nod to their idiot leader, Bush? Some show of fealty? Let's all mispronounce nuclear! Maybe it will catch on, and George W. won't look like such a dunce!

I have noticed others in the Republican party pronounce it "nuke-ew-lar." Makes me nervous that people making decisions on policy about "nuke-lee-ar" weapons can't even follow simple reading rules for English. Shouldn't a party pushing for English-only regulations in the U.S. have representatives that have at least a college-level command of the language?

Also, before I forget, I cannot BELIEVE all of the Republicans that cheered when Palin brought up Hillary Clinton as a predecessor and a person due praise and admiration for her campaign. Wasn't this the party that was RIPPING Clinton apart?? Weren't Fox News commentators declaring they would rather slit their own wrists than have Clinton leading the country?

Maybe they drugged up the audience beforehand so they would cheer at anything presented.


Unknown said...

you were right, the audience was drugged beforehand...

it's a drug called coMcaine....

Luis Merino said...

consider my bonnet, bet. hehe.

fox news makes me nauseous.

Natalia said...

Haha. That is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. People just need to sound it out: nu-cle-ar! I don't understand why people insist on pronouncing it nucular. English isn't even my first language and I can pronounce it.