Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Los Angeles 3.0

It's true. I am back. I have left the fog-shrouded hills of San Francisco for the smog-shrouded hills of Hollywood.


Well, part of it is because I have inexplicably fallen in love with this adorable dork:

. . . and in spite of our gloomy recession was able to find an amazing job here three weeks after losing his old one.

We discussed it and agreed L.A. was a good option for both of us. For those of you who don't know, I was born here . . .

(B-Day No. 2, I think in like West Covina)

. . . and have wanted to come back ever since the parents cruelly forced the family into Utah exile. I tried coming back for undergrad and ended up at BYU. I kind of came back for a short while when I was a missionary in East LA for the LDS Church, but, of course, I then had to go back to Utah. I tried coming back for grad school, and ended up in San Francisco at the Academy of Art University. So the plan was to head down after the MFA to find a kick ass position in account planning.

Well, the plan has been sped up slightly. I am done with the studio core of my program and the bulk of it now is finding (a) great internship(s) at an advertising agency (in Los Angeles, now, instead of San Francisco).

In the mean time, I am enjoying the beautiful weather in Southern California and am preparing to present for Mid-Point Review.

I am sorry for being M.I.A. on the blogging front for the past couple of weeks. Finals AND packing AND apartment hunting in a different part of the state have been a lot to juggle. Last week was spent just decompressing and unpacking the surprising amount of stuff Shane and I have both amassed (anyone need a lava lamp?).

Thanks to everyone who showed up to help us pack and send us off.

Full set of Good-Bye pics here.

If you want to check out some pics of our new apt (sans furniture) click here.

We both love our new place. We are excited for all of the opportunities in L.A., to build a home together, and to defy the preconceptions of all of our SF friends and prove how wonderful and multifaceted L.A. really is.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I was wondering what was going on. Cool to hear that the move went well and you're settling down again.

That was an awesome pic of you as two.

SwampDippers said...

We'll miss you around the hall pf 60 Fed! Sorry we didn't get a proper good bye. Things did get rather hectic at the end, eh?